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Description Of Form
Acala Vidyârâja is one of the Vidyârâjas (Myôôs) class of deities,
and a very wrathful deity. He is portrayed holding a sword in
his right hand and a coiled rope in his left hand. With this sword
of wisdom, Acala cuts through deluded and ignorant minds and with
the rope he binds those who are ruled by their violent passions
and emotions. He leads them onto the correct path of self control.
Acala is also portrayed surrounded by flames, flames which consume
the evil and the defilements of this world. He sits on a flat
rock which symbolizes the unshakeable peace and bliss which he
bestows to the minds and the bodies of his devotees.
Purpose and Vows
Acala transmits the teachings and the injunctions of Mahâvairocana
to all living beings and whether they agree to accept or to reject
these injunctions is up to them, Acala's blue/black body and fierce
face symbolize the force of his will to draw all beings to follow
the teachings of the Buddha. Nevertheless, Acala's nature is essentially
one of compassion and he has vowed to be of service to all beings
for eternity.
Acala also represents his aspect of service by having his hair
knotted in the style of a servant: his hair is tied into seven
knots and falls down from his head on the left side. Acala has
two teeth protruding from out of his mouth, an upper tooth and
a lower tooth. The upper tooth is pointed downward and this represents
his bestowing unlimited compassion who are suffering in body and
spirit. His lower tooth is pointed upward and this represents
the strength of his desire to progress upward in his service for
the Truth. In his upward search for Bodhi and in his downward
concern for suffering beings, he represents the beginning of the
religious quest, the awakening of the Bodhicitta and the beginning
of his compassionate concern for others. It is for this reason
that the figure of Acala is placed first among the thirteen deities.
His vow is to do battle with evil with a powerful mind of compassion
and to work for the protection of true happiness. To pray for
recovery from illness and for safety while traveling is to rely
upon his vow and power to save. Acala is also the guide for the
deceased, to help save them and assist them in becoming buddhas
for the first seven days after death.
Nômaku sanmanda bazaradan senda makaroshada sowataya un tarata
kanman. (Jpn.)
Namah samanta-vajrânâm canda mahârosana sphotaya hûm trat hâm
mâm (Skt.)
Homage to the all-pervading Vajras! O Violent One of great wrath!
Destroy! hûm trat hâm mâm
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©1998 Shingon Buddhist International Institute
Deity line-art © Dashin Art, Inc. Used with Permission